Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's For Real This Time

Given the fluid nature of my life, I don't know that it's proper or even necessary to publish a 'here I am!' blog entry. If you're here at all, then you know me already and this whole exercise becomes a bit redundant.

I just realized that it's 4:59pm and the cable bill is due today. Oops. I meant to take care of that first thing this morning, but then I had to do this thing for the kid's school and after filling out that form and doing a little online shopping, I was too exhausted to continue and had to take a nap.

That's what you do when you're old.

Even though I 'shoulda been a blogger', I've actually been a forum guy for over 15 years. Yes, I'm so old that I predate Usenet. I embarked on my 'internet life' during the mailing list days in the early 90s and I'm still very good friends with some of those guys today. In fact, one of my best friends (and business partner) and I have known one another since back then. Incredible.

I'm currently active on about 6 different forums and my favorite continues to be GetBig.com. It's not for the faint at heart, but if you've got thick skin and a great sense of humor, you'd probably enjoy it there. Or maybe I'm just a sophomoric masochist.

I love Facebook, because it encourages us all to share, but while I'll still be talking about my daily adventures, I'm hoping that this new blog-forum thing will allow us to keep some of those great conversations going in order to bring more perspectives to the various discussions.

So, without further adieu, I welcome you to this blog and hope you all will enjoy reading along and sharing the ride with me. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. Now I just have to figure out how to follow a blog...but you got me at Real! ;-)
